Master Computer Science & Engineering

Master CSE

The Master program in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) gives a broad view of computer science from both a scientific and an engineering perspective, and provides am- ple opportunities for specialization. The program offers three different streams: Software Science, Systems Science, and Web Science and the possibility to follow a program partly outside these streams, for instance to prepare for getting a teaching degree. Each stream has a core program of five courses. There is a large list of stream electives from which you should choose some courses to prepare for your master project. There is also ample room in the program to choose electives from outside your stream. Apart from the three streams there are also two special tracks: Data Science in Engineering and Information Security Technology.

Learning outcomes

A graduate from the master program

  • is qualified to degree level within the domain of science, engineering and technology;
  • is competent in the relevant domain-specific discipline, namely computer science and engineering;
  • is capable of acquiring knowledge independently;
  • approaches computer-science problems in a thorough and scientifically founded manner;
  • is capable of critical thinking, can reason logically and form opinions; has design skills, presentation skills, and communication skills;
  • has insight into the role of computer science in industry, society, and science;
  • and, in addition to a recognizable domain-specific profile, possesses a sufficiently broad basis to be able to work in an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary context.

In addition to these general learning outcomes, CSE graduates should also be experts in the subarea of computer science that they specialize in.