Master Computer Science & Engineering

Web Science stream

Over the past decade the use of web-based systems has exploded. Buying clothes, books, and DVDs, booking hotels, checking the weather forecast, contacting your friends: all of this is done on the internet nowadays, and novel web-based applications are developed every day. The CSE stream Web Science focuses on the technology behind these developments. In the stream you learn techniques needed to design intelligent and reliable web-based systems, their role in online business and you learn to analyze the use of such systems. As a graduate of the Web Science stream you

  • have knowledge of the principles and technologies that drive the Web
  • have the skills to design effective web-based systems, and to analyze existing web-based systems and the data generated through their use
  • can design intelligent information services using semantic-web technology or machine-learning techniques
  • have insight into business, privacy and security issues related to web-based systems

If you want to specialize more in the data-analysis aspect of Web Science you should consider the special track on Data Science in Engineering.

Core Courses

The mandatory course

Quarter Code Course EC
1 2IMA10 Advanced algorithms 5

Stream mandatory courses

Quarter Code Course EC
1 2IMW15 Web information retrieval and data mining 5
2 2IMV20 Visualization 5
3 2IMW25 Adaptive web-based systems 5
4 2IMW10 Data engineering 5

Stream electives

You have to choose at least 20 credit points from this list.

Quarter Code Course EC
1 2IMV25 Interactive virtual environments 5
1 2IMS25 Principles of data protection 5
2 2IMS20 Hackers' hut 5
3 2IMW30 Foundation of data mining 5
3 2MMD30 Graphs and algorithms 5
3 2IMF10 Visual computing project 5
4 0EM190 Infonomics 5
4 2IMC20 Research methods 5

Free electives

(possibly including internship): 40 EC
Seminar and master project: 35 EC

Quarter Code Course EC
4 or 6 Seminar 5
7 and 8 2IMC00 Master project 30