Master Computer Science & Engineering


Within the first few weeks of your study a mentor will be assigned to you. The mentor will advise you with regards to the development of your professional skills (which includes assessment and training by the TU/e Skills Lab, see and will help you in making the first choices for electives and in deciding which specialization best suits your interests.
At some point during your study your specialization will become clearer. This typically happens between the end of the second and fourth quarter. Your mentor will then help you in choosing new mentor from the group that best matches that specialization. The new mentor will then help you in selecting elective courses to prepare you for doing a master project in your area of interest and in selecting a trajectory for getting international experience (if needed). For more procedural aspects of your study such as obtaining approval of your study program and getting official permission to start your master project you should consult the study advisor.
For the academic year 2016-2017 the mentors (for all masters) from the subdepartment Computer Science of the department of Mathematics and Computer Science are:

  • Algorithms: prof. dr. Mark de Berg
  • Applied Geometric Algorithms: prof. dr. Bettina Speckman
  • Architecture of Information Systems: dr. Dirk Fahland
  • Data Mining: dr. ir. Joaquin Vanschoren
  • Formal System Analysis: prof. dr. Jan-Friso Groote
  • Security: dr. Nicola Zannone
  • Software Engineering and Technology: dr. Ruurd Kuiper
  • System Architecture and Networking: dr. Rudolf Mak
  • Visualization: dr. Andrei Jalba
  • Web Engineering: dr. Natasha Stash

For Embedded Systems and Business Information Systems there may also be mentors avail- able from the department of Electrical Engineering (for ES) and from the department of Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences (for BIS).
For EIT-DS and EIT-ES the program managers, i.e., dr. Farideh Heidari and dr. Bas Luttik respectively, will act as mentors. EIT-SDE students will be mentored by the mentor from Architecture of Information Systems (dr. Dirk Fahland).