Master Computer Science & Engineering


The Master program Computer Science and Engineering is a two-year program of 120 ECTS in total. The academic year is subdivided into two semesters, the fall semester starting in September, and the spring semester starting in February. It is possible to enter the program at the start of either semester; however, starting in September is preferred. The program is only offered as a full time study program.
The CSE curriculum is structured in streams, which provide an organized set of courses in particular subject areas within computer science. The streams provide guidance for the directions in which you can specialize, and ensure that you choose a comprehensive and coherent set of courses. When you enroll to the CSE master you should choose a stream right away because this determines the list of mandatory courses and the assignment of a mentor. The streams are:

  • Software Science
  • Web Science
  • System Science

Each stream has the same structure:

  • 5 EC CSE mandatory course
  • 20 EC Stream mandatory courses
  • 20 EC Stream elective courses
  • 40 EC Free electives
  • 5 EC Seminar
  • 30EC Master project

Each stream has a number of mandatory courses, and a selected set of elective courses from which at least 20 EC should be chosen. There is great flexibility in defining the remaining part of your individual study program from all courses that are offered by the computer science department (40 credit points). Within this remaining part you should include 15 credit points in international experience if you do not have it yet and are not doing your master project abroad. To prepare for the master project, you take a seminar course from one of the computer science research groups. In the following sections, more details for each of the streams are given.