It is important for your examination program to form a coherent whole and for you to make conscious and well-founded choices.
Before you can receive your diploma, the Examination Committee will assess your examination program for coherence, depth, and overlap. To this end, you will use the PlanApp to submit your personal examination program for assessment once you have compiled your complete examination program and earned 90 credits. If you are not sure whether your personal examination program will meet the requirements, you may always ask your academic advisor to assess it for you earlier.
After it has been approved by the Examination Committee, your personal examination program will be “frozen” in Osiris: you will still be able to change the planning of your courses, but you will no longer be able to change the composition of the examination program. If you should decide to reconsider the choices you have previously made, you will have to submit the program to the Examination Committee once again.
IMPORTANT: The approval or disapproval of your examination program occurs separately from registering for and taking courses. Each quartile, you will be able to register for up to four courses at a time.
At any rate, the coherence and depth of your elective courses will be approved by the Examination Committee if:
If you have made other choices for your electives, it would be best to discuss them with your coach and submit them to the Examination Committee for approval before you start taking classes. In addition to coherence and depth, the Examination Committee will assess whether there is any internal overlap between the major courses/electives: Some courses overlap excessively with courses from your major, and you will thus not be able to include these courses in your examination program. Consult the overview of your major to identify the courses to which this applies. This list is not exhaustive. If you have any doubts, always consult your academic advisor
In order to receive a diploma, you must take at least 45 ECTS of electives and a USE learning trajectory. You may also take more Bachelor’s courses if you would like, as long as you have permission from the Examination Committee. If you are considering this, you will need to submit a request to the Examination Committee through your academic advisor.
Any additional courses for which you have received a sufficient grade will be listed on your academic transcript included with your diploma. Instead of taking additional courses, you could also participate in the honors program.