Major Computer Science & Engineering

Coaching step-by-step

Every choice you make has consequences for your academic career. So we advise you to carefully consider your choices beforehand. Check that the expectation you have of the elective/package you are considering is realistic. To do this you need to look beyond the information to be found on the website, in the course guide etc. Depending on the specific information you are looking for, you should talk to an academic advisor or a lecturer in the relevant elective, for example. The Check your Match event is intended to give you the opportunity for this kind of in-depth conversation.

Step 1

Consult online resources that have information about electives and USE learning trajectories. Thoroughly explore the information available and take the time to consider why certain electives do or do not appeal to you. Ask yourself the following questions for example:

  • What are my ambitions after my Bachelor/ Master?
  • Which courses did I find interesting the past year? And which not?
  • What would I like to see more of in my future TU/e career?
  • Do I need other challenges besides the one I already got? If so, would I like to participate in an Honors program?
  • Do I feel like I've chosen the right major? If not, what should I do to fix this?

Using the information available, draw up a Top 3 list of elective courses, a top 2 of USE trajectories and if you would like to participate in a Honor. Sign up for in-depth conversations during the Check your Match event.

Step 2

Prepare for the in-depth conversation; think about what information you still need and what questions you should ask to help you find this information.
Below are some ideas for questions you may find useful to ask:

  • Does the packages have need prior knowledge? Do I have this?
  • Which specific topics are covered in this course?
  • Which actors play a role in this course (for example, contact with the business community)?
  • Which professional skills do I need for this course?
  • Which interests are drawn on in this course?
  • Which research or literature is key to this course?
  • Which working and assessment methods are used?

Step 3

Discuss your choices for Check your Match with your coach. On which decisions is your top 3 electives, top 2 USE trajectories and participation in a Honor based?

  • Do you need further information to make my final decision?
  • Which questions would I like to ask the teachers to receive that specific information?
  • Do I have all the requested prior knowledge? And if not, what should I do to have this? Or will I make different choices instead?

Step 4

Participate in the Check your Match event and ask all the questions you prepared.

Step 5

Evaluate the information you received during the Check your Match event. Based on this you should be able to make a decision on your electives, USE- trajectory and participation in a Honor. Discuss your choices with your coach and make your final choice. Helpful questions are:

  • How do I feel about the past year?
  • What aspects am I satisfied with?
  • What would I like to do differently in the coming years?
  • How do I feel about the decision-making process for the electives? What did I find easy/difficult? What will I be paying special attention to in the future?
  • Which electives/packages or USE learning trajectory have Ichosen? And why? What goal will this choice help me achieve?
  • Which electives do I feel confident/unsure about?
  • If this educational career was my CV, what would make me stand out from other students?
  • What would I like the coaching in the second year to focus on?

Step 6

Submit your electives via the online form.