Major Psychology & Technology

Professional Skills

The basic course in professional skills (5 ECTS) has a different structure to the other basic courses but is, without doubt, just as important for your development as an engineer. The course is not programmed as a subject in one of the quartiles, but consists of skill themes included in the major. Furthermore, the credits are distributed over various other courses in the major.
Every student has to study the following five skill themes:

  1. Communication: Writing & Presentation
  2. Cooperation
  3. Reflection
  4. Planning and organizing
  5. Finding and processing (scientific) information

The number of hours that you devote as a student to the basic course in professional skills is equal to five credits (approximately 140 hours). This is spread over the three years of the Bachelor's program.

How is the subject assessed?

As a student all your professional skills will be assessed at least three times during your Bachelor’s program. Each faculty does this in its own way. Some will give you a grade, which will count towards the final assessment of the subject in which your skill is being assessed. Others will only inform you whether you have passed the test or not, and the results will not count towards the final assessment in the subject concerned. For both variants, you have to pass the professional skill test to pass the subject in which it is tested as a whole. The assessment form for the test that you receive from your lecturer will be kept in your student file.
You have completed the basic subject in professional skills if you have passed all the assessments with at least a minimum pass grade.
The exact content of the skill lines, which training courses you need to take and when they are given, when the skills are assessed and how the assessment of the skill counts towards assessment of the subject in which it is given are different for each major. A link to this information per major can be found at the page of the major.
In addition to the basic subject in professional skills you can take various supplementary professionalization training courses